It's More Than Just a Hunt


First, there is the experience of the team. Wilson has had a very extensive life as an outdoors man. For over 40 years, he has guided people from all walks of life, including politicians, professional athletes, celebrities, music stars, corporate executives, and countless others in the pursuit of waterfowl and North American big game. He has won many championships calling waterfowl, elk, and other wildlife species, and produced numerous breathtaking wildlife images from around the world. His experience and expertise in both photography and videography, along with his lifetime pursuit of hunting, gives him a unique perspective of how to capture images in an outdoor show that have never been done before.
Though many years his junior, Scott, since an early age, has been an extremely avid and successful hunter. Now, with a year’s experience under his belt, he has found a unique and sometimes quite comical appearance before the camera. In addition to these two seasoned outdoorsmen and further adding to the story line of this show, is April, an avid huntress and one of the co-founders of   And, last, there is Lonnie. For what he lacks in experience, he more than makes up for with his desire to learn.

Over the course of the first season, Wilson will do several episodes of whitetail, elk, turkey, and bear hunts. Throughout those episodes, he will also provide useful information on how to take dynamic still images of kills and photographically document your outdoor experience.
Scott, on the other hand, will provide the passionate, die-hard, go-getter perspective that pursues primarily whitetails throughout the country, adding humor and a reality that most addicted Whitetail hunters can relate to and thoroughly enjoy.
April will add the important element of demonstrating to other moms who have put their families needs before their own dreams, that it’s never too late to start pursuing what you are passionate about.  In April’s case…it’s hunting!
Lonnie’s angle in the production is that of a young person in his early 20’s, striving to become a professional videographer, learning the ways of the industry, eventually moving from behind the camera to out in front of the lens. This adds a reality component to the show as we demonstrate and document Lonnie’s education and progress to achieve that goal. This added dynamic to the programming will entice many viewers to follow the series weekly, both to watch his growth and development, and to learn the techniques that he will be taught by Wilson and the other professionals of our production team.


2 responses

  1. Harry Wright

    Do you have window decals of your logos for sale along with clothing?

    September 4, 2011 at 8:35 am

  2. Mike Marshall

    Mr. Reynold, it was a pleasure to meet you and your staff on the SC hog hunt. Looking forward to watching every episode of Primal Instinct TV this season. I belive you have another great product you wil be introducing from ” Backwoods Performance Outfitters ” Also I love the hat and tee shirt. Best wishes form Kentucky. Mike Marshall

    March 15, 2012 at 1:09 pm

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